PSA: Let’s talk about a topic we get asked about a lot and we feel is important here at Bluebonnet Ridge Aussies….

What is genetic testing and why should I test my dog? Genetic testing will help you understand your dog as a whole and how to keep it healthy. Genetic testing is becoming much more commonplace in the realm of animal breeding. Here at BBR, we strive to provide the best puppies and dogs to be quality companions and your very best friend. While there are a plethora of reasons why you should genetic test your dogs, we wanted to list our top four reasons to genetic test your dog.

1.Insight into your puppies Breed: As a dog owner, we want to provide the best for our pet. Genetic testing provides insight into what actually makes up your dog, its genetic DNA. These 39 pairs of chromosomes make up how your dog looks and how its body functions. If you are looking into owning a certain dog breed, genetic testing can help you identify what your dog may have issues with later in his or her life. Genetic testing is not meant to discourage you from buying a certain dog, but simply a tool to ensure the best life for the pet.

2. Avoid potential health problems All dog breeds contain a list of genetic diseases they are pre-disposed to. Genetic diseases can affect a dog’s senses, bones, soft tissue, development, and unfortunately some can be fatal. Knowing what your dog could be predisposed to helps you watch for early warning signs that can add years of life for your dog. Some of the genetic diseases can be easily managed if caught early. As a dog owner, doing your due diligence to keep your dog healthy is one of the reasons to genetic test your dog.

3. Work with your vet If you know what genetic diseases your dog is predisposed to, your pet’s veterinarian can help you monitor for warning signs. They can give you potential treatment plans and find the best solutions for you and your dog. Vets can evaluate how best to maintain the health, wellness, and hygiene of your pet based on its breed and genetic factors as he or she grows. Your pet’s vet can perform tests both in a lab and by examining your pet to help you watch for any common problems based on your pet’s breed.

4. Finally, another reason we do genetic testing: breeding. Should your dog be of exceptional quality, you will need to genetic test your dog for any diseases that he or she could potentially pass onto offspring. Breeding a dog is a monumental responsibility that should only be conducted after significant research into the genetics of both the male and female. Responsible breeders only pair dogs that cannot pass offspring that will be guaranteed affected by specific diseases. Most strive to have puppies that are “clear” or “carrier” for a disease, which means they will not be affected. Let’s make this clear, one should never choose to breed a “clear” dog who is lacking in other areas over a “carrier” that is otherwise superior. WHY may you wonder? According to geneticists, breeding only “clear” dogs at the expense of other important considerations ie temperament, structure, etc. will severely limit our gene pools and be detrimental to the breed as a whole!

At Bluebonnet Ridge Aussies, we strive to provide puppies that are healthy, happy and well socialized so that they may provide a lifetime of love for their hoomans. Feel free to contact us with any questions about the genetic testing of our puppies. #genetichealthtesting #pawprintgenetics #australianshepherds #knowyourbreed #bluebonnnetridgeaussies #keepyourdogshealthy